The Entrepreneurs’ Meet  is a formal, curated, limited-attendee networking mixer for founders (MVP Stage & Above), CXOs & investors only. This dynamic event brings together ambitious members of the business community to network, learn from each other, collaborate, invest & support one another over delicious snacks and drinks. What is in store for you at the Meet? Read on for all the details! 

Connect with like-minded people

The company we keep determines our destiny; here is your chance to be with those who are hungry for growth, ready to learn, willing to help & be helped.

Get investments

One of the major problems faced by growing businesses is FINANCE. We’re allied with new-age, dynamic solutions that can help qualified & eligible businesses to raise from a few lac rupees to tens of crores. We can also help you access financing through various government schemes for entrepreneurs. These are primarily very low cost, unsecured debt finance schemes.

Find solutions to your business problems

Often there is someone who has already faced & solved the problem that you may be facing right now. The right connection can save you months, even years of time, money & headache as you will meet the right people here.

Grow your network

One can never overestimate the value of networking. Connections can help you in your personal & business life. There is no such thing as too many connections or too large a network! We are building a curated community of entrepreneurs, experts & investors who can help each other grow.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready for a rejuvenating & profitable weekend, at the Entrepreneurs’ Meet. This fun networking event is all planned out for you with activities, music & refreshments! 

Join us on our WhatsApp Groups & other community platforms to enhance your growth prospects via networking, on an ongoing basis even after the event. You will also receive invitations for special, limited seat programs designed for businessmen in the days to come.

Space is limited! Request an invite on :


Every profile goes through a screening process, & they are invited to attend the Entrepreneurs’ Meet only if they fall within the criteria or are recommended by previous attendees


Based on experience, we allow 60 people to the Entrepreneurs’ Meet. This helps everyone focus on thier discussions & network with relevant people in their own time & pace.


This Entrepreneurs’ Meet is organized by The Entrepreneurs’ Collective, a division of HemantDThorat LLP, a boutique investment banking, strategic & growth advisory firm based in Pune. We have been deeply engaged in the startup & entrepreneurship ecosystem since 2008, & have assisted several entrepreneurs raise capital, scale their businesses to greater heights, pivot their businesses, go public via IPO, & more. If you have further queries, do drop a message in the form below.

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